All functions and objects belonging to IrrAgg are within the sub-namespace "vecg" within the namespace "irr" unless otherwise specified. Some exceptions are the conversion functions, which are within the sub-namespace "core" in the namespace "irr".

Standard Utilities

Standalone functions

isImageSupported( IImage* ): bool

File: irragg_format_support.h

Returns true if the current format of the image is supported by IrrAgg.

Parameter Type Default
image irr::video::IImage*

isImageARGB32( irr::video::IImage* ): bool

File: irragg_format_support.h

Returns true if the image is in the color format irr::video::ECF_A8R8G8B8, arranged as alpha-red-green-blue with 8 bits each.

Parameter Type Default
image irr::video::IImage*

toPoint_t( irr::core::vector2df ): point_t

File: *irragg_types.h"

Converts The given vector into a point_t.

Parameter Type Default
v irr::core::vector2df

convertSColorToAGGrgba( const SColor& ): agg::rgba

File: irragg_color.h

Namespace: irr::core

Parameter Type Default
color const irr::video::SColor&

convertAGGrgbaToSColor( const rgba& ): irr::video::SColor

File: irragg_color.h

Namespace: irr::core

Parameter Type Default
color const agg::rgba&

convertSColorfToAGGrgba( const SColorf& ): agg::rgba

File: irragg_color.h

Namespace: irr::core

Parameter Type Default
color const irr::video::SColorf&

convertAGGrgbaToSColorf( const rgba& ): irr::video::SColorf

File: irragg_color.h

Namespace: irr::core

Parameter Type Default
color const ::agg::rgba&

convertSColorHSLtoSColor( const SColorHSL& ): irr::video::SColor

File: irragg_color.h

Namespace: irr::core

Parameter Type Default
color const irr::video::SColorHSL&

convertSColorToSColorHSL( const SColor& ): irr::video::SColorHSL

File: irragg_color.h

Namespace: irr::core

Parameter Type Default
color const irr::video::SColor&

convertCMatrix4ToAGGaffine( const CMatrix4< double >& ): agg::trans_affine

File: irragg_matrix.h

Namespace: irr::core

Parameter Type Default
m const irr::core::CMatrix4< double >&

convertAGGaffineToCMatrix4( const trans_affine& ): core::CMatrix4< double >

File: irragg_matrix.h

Namespace: irr::core

Parameter Type Default
m const agg::trans_affine&

struct PathMotion

File: irragg_types.h

Namespace: irr::vecg

This class is used for indicating the next point along a path as well as what that point signifies in the path. What it signifies is indicated by the motion flags, LINE_TO, MOVE_TO, END_POLY, and STOP.

Member Type Purpose
LINE_TO static const unsigned Indicates a line should be drawn to this point
MOVE_TO static const unsigned Indicates the start of a new polygon
END_POLY static const unsigned Reset to zero
STOP static const unsigned Close the polygon (and maybe fill)
motion unsigned
x double X-axis coordinate
y double Y-axis coordinate

struct IShape

File: irragg_shape.h

Namespace: irr::vecg

This class is meant to be inherited from and its member functions overridden.

Method Return
getPathMotion( size_t ) PathMotion
getPathStepCount() size_t

struct Painter

File: irragg_painter.h

Namespace: irr::vecg

The primary class for rendering IShape objects to an Irrlicht image (IImage).

Member Type Purpose
Ready bool Indicates when rendering can be performed.
Size core::dimension2du Size of the canvas.
Canvas video::IImage* Target on which the vector graphics will be rendered.
Color agg::rgba Color used for rendering.
StrokeWidth double Thickness of rendered vector graphic lines.
BSplineStep double The amount to increment when spacing points on a BSpline
Step size_t Index of the current point on the vector path being rendered.
Shape const IShape* Pointer to the vector path provider.
Buffer agg::rendering_buffer Accessor to the data of the canvas.
Format PixelFormat Coloring mechanism for how to treat the buffer.
Base agg::renderer_base Provides an interface for the rasterize functions.
Method Return
(cstor)( irr::video::IVideoDriver*, irr::core::dimension2du )
(cstor)( irr::video::IImage* )
setCanvas( irr::video::IImage* ): void
getCanvas(): irr::video::IImage*
setColor( irr::video::SColor ): void
getColor(): irr::video::SColor
setStrokeWidth( double ) void
setBSplineResolution( u32 ): void
drawFilled( const IShape& ) bool
drawStroked( const IShape& ) bool
drawBSpline( const IShape& ) bool
drawBSplineFilled( const IShape& ) bool
rewind( unsigned ) void
vertex( double, double ) unsigned

(cstor) ( IVideoDriver*, dimension2du )

Initializes the class by creating a canvas of the given dimension using the given video driver.

Parameter Type Default
driver irr::video::IVideoDriver*
size irr::core::dimension2du

(cstor) ( IImage* )

Initializes the class with the given image as a render target and sets whether to drop it upon class destruction. It rejects target images of the wrong color format.

Parameter Type Default
image IImage*

(dstor) ()

Destructor, which deferences the canvas image.

setCanvas( IImage* ): bool

Sets the canvas image. The image must be of format irr::video::ECF_A8R8G8B8, or the canvas will be set to null.

Parameter Type Default
image irr::video::IImage*

setColor( SColor ): void

Sets the color for rendering paths and shapes.

Parameter Type Default
color irr::video::SColor

getColor(): irr::video::SColor

Sets the color for rendering paths and shapes.

Parameter Type Default
color agg::rgba

setStrokeWidth( double ): void

Sets the thickness of paths rendered as strokes or bsplines.

Parameter Type Default
width double

setBSplineResolution( u32 ): void

Sets the density of points in a bspline path rendering.

Parameter Type Default
resolution irr::u32

drawFilled( const IShape& ): bool

Uses standard-fill-style to draw the path from the given shape.

Parameter Type Default
shape irr::vecg::IShape&

drawStroked( const IShape& ): bool

Draws as line segments the path from the given shape.

Parameter Type Default
shape irr::vecg::IShape&

drawBSpline( const IShape& ): bool

Draws as a bezier curve the path formed by the given shape.

Parameter Type Default
shape irr::vecg::IShape&

drawBSplineFilled( const IShape& ): bool

Draws the given shape as a filled bezier curve.

Parameter Type Default
shape irr::vecg::IShape&

rewind(unsigned): void

AGG-required method. Do not use.

vertex(double, double): unsigned

AGG-required method. Do not use because the shape will not be set.